Corporate & Ventures

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Corporate & Ventures has seen unparalleled development in recent years, and we at Alkhieli & Associates have a leading Corporate & Ventures Practice in the Kingdom with our legal experts regularly acting as principal legal counsel to many prominent companies and commercial entities. We engage our network of international strategic associates on cross-border deals to ensure world-class service and our practice area comprises a full suite of corporate transactional legal services, including mergers and acquisitions, private equity, joint ventures, corporate restructuring, insolvency and bankruptcy, corporate governance, regulatory compliance and venture capital engagements.

Corporate & Ventures

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) transactions, irrespective of their size, tend to involve inherent complexities that need to be defined, understood and adequately addressed. Therefore, whether our client is a startup or a global enterprise, obtaining proper advice from an experienced M&A legal counsel is crucially important to ensure the success of client transactions. Legal experts at Alkhieli & Associates invest the time to understand the client’s priorities and objectives.

Our Mergers & Acquisitions practice managed to build a reputation for being at the focal of complex M&A transactions, and we represent leading companies, financial institutions, and prominent business leaders in mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, tender offers and purchase of assets. Alkhieli & Associates regularly works alongside its strategic network of international global law firms, advising clients on a broad range of sectors and industries. Through our alliances and our on-the-ground expertise in the Kingdom, we deliver successfully on deals involving strategic demergers, defense strategies, and governance issues

Corporate & Ventures

Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances

Many businesses are developing a keen interest in establishing joint ventures that have become the center of commerce and global trade. At Alkhieli & Associates, our Corporate lawyers provide expert advice on all aspects of joint ventures and strategic alliances. Our firm has successfully assisted corporations, investors, and entrepreneurs through structuring, drafting, and negotiating complex joint-venture agreements.

We act as our client's trusted partner while designing, planning, or implementing their joint venture. We take care of all transactions and dealings concerning commercial structure, governance, and operational needs. We understand and ensure the best deliverables for all intricacies and strategy formulations required for parties intending to engage in a joint venture or business alliance.

Corporate & Ventures

Private Equity

Alkhieli & Associates provides strategic advice on all aspects of private equity transactions with a distinguished understanding and application of all stakeholders’ vantage points. Our exceptional market knowledge and industry relationships assist our clients in securing deals and building equity value.

Our lawyers represent lenders and financial institutions, early and late-stage investors throughout their investments and financing life cycle. Our corporate lawyers possess exceptional expertise in advising middle markets to mega-funds by recommending creative legal to carry out successful transactions. In addition, our lawyers assist private equity firms through the entire lifecycle of funds, from initial formation and structuring, negotiating acquisitions, and the ability to assist with exit strategies.

Alkhieli & Associates represents various private equity funds, venture capital funds, and management teams. We recognize and appreciate the unique nature of every business; we earnestly deliver innovative legal solutions to achieve business objectives while recognizing regulatory mandates.

Corporate & Ventures

Restructuring & Bankruptcy

The Restructuring & Bankruptcy practice at Alkhieli & Associates provides clients with deep insight and knowledge gained through a decade of advisory and litigation experience. We respond rapidly, negotiate effectively and deliver legal solutions that maximize value and create strategic opportunities for our clients in restructuring processes.

Our strong understanding of laws and regulations endows our unmatched excellence in offering strategic and effective legal solutions. We can represent clients by reorganizing their financial positions and declaring bankruptcy under the new bankruptcy law. Subsequently, we aid in providing strategic legal advice helping clients comply with all regulatory mandates to resume commercial activities and operate in a new structure.

Our services are designed in a manner to position us as business partners with our clients as we navigate turbulent financial crises for troubled companies.

Corporate & Ventures

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is vital for promoting trust, transparency, and accountability for management, directors, and corporate stakeholders. Hence, our team of Corporate Governance lawyers delivers critical advice centered around controlling and eliminating risks and ensuring compliance.

Our team advises our clients on evolving best governance policies and framework practices. We also prepare our clients with the strategies and approaches for complying with the legal requirements, managing the risks involved daily, and preparing them for known uncertainties as they emerge invariably.

We advise clients on best practices, board functions, including reviewing and drafting bylaws, committee charters, and governance documentations that are in place to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Our legal advice encompasses the governance regulations mandated by government authorities such as the Ministry of Commerce, Saudi Capital Markets Authority (CMA), Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) and compliance with all fiduciary duties of corporations.

Corporate & Ventures

Commercial Transactions

Commercial Law embodies the core legal rules governing business dealings and transactions, constituting a centerpiece of everyday economic interactions. At Alkhieli & Associates, we are aware of and fully recognize the risks involved in transmitting economic values between parties. We fully understand the importance and the key drivers of contract drafting, negotiation, and the documentation of all aspects of business deals.

We offer expert advice and consultation on the full spectrum of commercial transactions, including, among other things:

  • Commercial agency, distribution, and franchising agreements
  • Sale of goods agreements
  • Vendor Services agreements
  • Patents, trademarks, & copyright licensing and assignments
  • Outsourcing contracts
  • Supplier & Purchaser Agreements

We bring in added contract management capabilities, standardization of agreements, and ensure healthy clientele business relations. Our paramount objective at Alkhieli & Associates is invariable to protect the commercial interest of our clients through tailored agreements.

Corporate & Ventures

Regulatory Compliance

An essential component of risk mitigation strategies for all companies is identifying and adhering to regulatory compliance and conformity. Therefore, it is indispensable for corporations to invest in compliance programs that support their business. We at Alkhieli & Associates provide tailored regulatory compliance services fitted to our client's company. We assist in understanding the complete legal requirements and identifying the regulations applicable to your organization.

Our lawyers work closely with the clients to keep them updated and informed about the constantly evolving compliances and internal & external risks. We promptly grasp the issues and chart out a complete action plan to quickly navigate to a successful outcome.

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