Alkhieli and Associates contributes towards the World Compass Saudi Arabian Guide

Alkhieli and Associates contributes towards the World Compass Saudi Arabian Guide

Photo by: Ahmad Ardity

Alkhieli & Associates is pleased to announce its continuity in periodical contribution with World Compass for providing guidance on the Saudi Arabia laws on key areas, including marketing and distribution of funds, providing investment management services, etc.

Alkhieli & Associates has been the sole contributor to the Saudi Arabia chapters in the World Compass since 2015.

World compass is a renowned platform with a network of lawyers located in over 100 jurisdictions. The platform frequently publishes and updates its guides on key areas of various countries, which are easy to read and precise and seek to cover every aspect of various investment laws and their implications. Published by Dechert LLP, the World Compass is read by all, whether fund management firms, individuals, or companies.

Being aware of its reach, Alkhieli & Associates makes it a point to regularly contribute and author its articles with inputs on the Saudi Arabia outlook.